Masha Goins is an Online Business Coach, who helps heart-centered and soulful entrepreneurs build dreamy and abundant six figure online businesses, while only working part time hours. In this episode she talks about how she helps entrepreneurs smash the 100k ceiling in their business with her secret sauce of Soulful Marketing, Business Strategy, and Mindset Magic!
Over the pandemic she built her online business from a dream, to a side hustle, to a multi six figure success that allows her to spend most of her time offline, with her family and two little girls, enjoying a ‘slower’ lifestyle.
One of the things that inspired me in this episode is how Masha entrepreneurs or those with a 9-5 but have a side hustle package what they love to do into an offer that can give them a quick cash injection even with a small email list and very limited time
We dive into :-
- What it means to have a heart centered business
- The boundaries you need to avoid burnout when you’re creating an online business
- Masha’s program – Hey to a 100k a step by step program to a soulful 6 figure success
- How creating a digital revenue stream can help you recession proof your income especially if you have a 9-5 that you enjoy but want an extra income stream
- And my favorite: how you can whip together a quick cash injection offer in no time, to give you momentum
And so much more.
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Links mentioned in this podcast:
Book a 30 minute Discovery call for my 1:1 coaching here.
Courage and Confetti https://www.instagram.com/courageandconfetti/
Abundance activationhttps://www.mashagoins.online/abundance