In today’s episode, I am going to share some of my big takeaway lessons from a book I reread recently that has impacted my personal and professional life. I like sharing things that have helped me personally and professionally and hopefully, you’ve been finding my podcasts helpful. The Book is called Exponential Living, Stop spending 100% of your time on 10% of who you are and it’s by Sheri Riley. Now Sheri Riley is the creative marketing powerhouse behind some of the world’s biggest celebrities like Usher, TLC, Toni Braxton, and Coca-Cola to name a few. The lessons I share today have really resonated with me both in my personal and professional life.
In this episode I share:
- What brought on an epiphany that something major had to change in Sheri Riley’s life.
- How Sheri found the peace she was so desperately seeking and how you can too.
- How to control negative thinking and the tool I use when negative thoughts rear in my mind
- Some of the things Sheri says are responsible for human unhappiness.
- Why when all goes wrong, who you are should remain your rock
- The scientifically proven benefits of gratitude
And much more
The number one thing that I want to accomplish through this episode is for you to be motivated to take action and reclaim balance in your personal and professional life. And before we part ways today, if you’re listening to this episode before April 1st I would like to invite you to a 4-week Mindset Transformation Class that starts on Saturday, April 1st.
In this class, we’re going to talk about various ways to take inventory, define SUCCESS and adjust and improve your mindset. You’ll have clarity on where you are and what you REALLY want and articulate where you want to go and how you want to FEEL when you get there. Click this link to learn more and sign up
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Mentioned in this episode:
4-Week Mindset Transformation Class
Book: Exponential Living – Stop Spending 100% of Your Time on 10% of Who You Are – by Sheri Riley
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